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Nitrogen fertilizer and methanol industries determine the focus and direction of innovative developm

DATE:2023-01-06 13:40:44

¡¡¡¡Sinochem News On December 28, 2022, the 2022 China Nitrogen Fertilizer and Methanol Technology Conference was held in the form of an online conference. Gu Zongqin, president of China Nitrogen Fertilizer Industry Association, put forward five priorities and directions for the innovative development of China's nitrogen fertilizer and methanol industries.

¡¡¡¡First, adhere to relying on scientific and technological innovation to drive the sustainable development of the industry. Gu Zongqin emphasized that the level of scientific and technological innovation is an important symbol of the development level and sustainable development of the industry. For the nitrogen fertilizer and methanol industries dominated by traditional coal chemical industry, to improve the level of scientific and technological innovation, the first thing for the whole industry is to strengthen the research and development and demonstration application of key core technologies, focusing on large-scale clean and efficient coal gasification technology, waste/semi waste boiler coal gasification furnace, efficient catalyst, efficient motor and boiler; Second, vigorously promote collaborative innovation, do a solid job in the transformation of technological achievements, do a good job in the integration of enterprises and universities, establish a "production, teaching, research and use" collaborative innovation network, and promote the construction of enterprise innovation platforms; Third, keep pace with the development of digital intelligence, use 5G and big data technology to improve the industry operation and management level, and gradually realize the leap from industrial manufacturing to "intelligent manufacturing"; Fourth, actively explore the combination of new energy and renewable energy with existing industries, as well as the physical and chemical utilization technologies of CO ∈, and explore effective means to achieve carbon emission reduction and carbon neutralization; Fifthly, the upgrading and transformation of fixed bed intermittent coal gasification unit should be accelerated, or the transformation of "indirect cooling" should be carried out, or the transformation of new coal gasification should be carried out.

¡¡¡¡Second, firmly follow the path of green and low-carbon transformation and development. Gu Zongqin said that in order to continue to do a good job in energy conservation, carbon reduction and water efficiency improvement during the "Fourteenth Five Year Plan" period, this year the relevant ministries and commissions of the State have issued the "Fourteenth Five Year Plan" Modern Energy System Plan, the "Action Plan for Energy Conservation, Efficiency Enhancement and Green Carbon Reduction Services", the "Action Plan for Industrial Water Efficiency Improvement" and the "Action Plan for Industrial Energy Efficiency Improvement" and other documents. It is required that by 2025, the energy consumption of industrial units above designated size and the water consumption per 10000 yuan of industrial added value in China will be decreased by 13.5% and 16% respectively compared with 2020, and the water intake per unit of main products in the synthetic ammonia and coal to methanol industries will be reduced by 5%. At the same time, by 2025, the carbon dioxide emissions of GDP of petrochemical and chemical industries and other units will drop by 18% in five years, and more than 50% of enterprises in the industry will meet the standards of water-saving enterprises. In addition, the Central Economic Work Conference in December 2021, the Fifth Session of the 13th National People's Congress and the Fourteenth Five Year Modern Energy System Plan all proposed to "promote the transformation of" dual control "of energy consumption to" dual control "of total carbon emissions and intensity". In general, the industry is facing huge pressure on energy conservation and carbon reduction. In the future, enterprises should continue to increase investment in energy conservation, water conservation, pollution reduction and carbon reduction. First of all, we must find out the family background, establish a practical management system, and do a good job in training employees. At the same time, we should also do a good job of benchmarking, find gaps, rectify and improve ourselves. This year is the first year for the Nitrogenous Fertilizer Association to carry out the benchmarking work on the consumption of raw materials and fuels for the production of nitrogen fertilizer and methanol. The purpose is to give play to the exemplary and leading role of benchmark enterprises and meet the needs of enterprises for benchmarking. Linggu Chemical and Jintian Chemical are also invited to share their energy saving experience on behalf of the benchmark enterprises of new coal gasification nitrogen fertilizer and natural gas nitrogen fertilizer.

¡¡¡¡The third is to do a solid job in the preparation and revision of standards. Gu Zongqin said that the nitrogen fertilizer association has always been actively involved in the preparation and revision of national standards and industrial standards. In 2020, the association established a standardization technical committee and began to organize the work of group standards.

¡¡¡¡In terms of national standards, the energy consumption quota standards for synthetic ammonia, urea, ammonium bicarbonate and methanol have been reviewed by the National Standards Committee, and the revision of nitric acid energy consumption quota standards has been started. All units are welcome to actively participate in the standard revision and feed back comments and suggestions to the Nitrogen Fertilizer Association in a timely manner, so as to ensure that the standards are completed on time with quality and quantity guaranteed.

¡¡¡¡In terms of group standards, we should first strengthen the publicity and application of published standards. Secondly, we should orderly promote the preparation of standards that have been approved.

¡¡¡¡Fourth, actively guide the large-scale development of industry groups. Gu Zongqin pointed out that in the environment of fierce market competition, enterprises with high technology level, large production scale and rich industrial chains are more competitive. The decades of development experience of nitrogen fertilizer and methanol industries tells us that the large-scale and group development of nitrogen fertilizer and methanol industries will become a trend. Enterprise group operation requires both horizontal and vertical or two-way development of enterprises. Horizontal development refers to the layout of enterprises in different regions, with one point driving multiple points and common development; Vertical development refers to enriching the upstream and downstream of the industrial chain according to its own advantages, developing new products, such as multi-functional fertilizers, fine chemicals and other products on the basis of risk assessment, achieving integrated development with the original related industries, and improving the ability to resist market risks. In this regard, many nitrogen fertilizer and methanol enterprises such as Hualu Hengsheng, Luxi Chemical, Xinlianxin Group and Haoyuan Group have set an example.

¡¡¡¡In addition, under the general tone of energy conservation and carbon reduction, based on the development of nitrogen fertilizer, benchmarking the methanol development model, and encouraging new ammonia projects to keep pace with methanol in the future. We advocate to build a new ammonia unit with a single series capacity of 1 million tons/year (3300 tons/day) and a supporting urea unit with a single series capacity of 1.2 million tons/year (4000 tons/day), keeping pace with the world's leading level.

¡¡¡¡Fifth, give full play to the leading role of the Association in science and technology. Gu Zongqin believes that the main work should be done in the following aspects: First, create a standard innovation platform, give full play to the leading role of the association organization, and establish and improve the standardization system through the preparation and revision of national standards, industrial standards and group standards; Second, do a good job in scientific and technological achievements appraisal, technical consultation and advanced technology evaluation; Third, set up a technology exchange platform to promote intra industry exchanges, display advanced management and production experience and promote the application of advanced technology in the industry by organizing meetings, forums and other ways; Fourth, actively communicate with relevant national ministries and commissions, play a role of "bridge", and strive for policy support, recommendation and application of science and technology projects.

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